Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Er..why so serious?

I went to watch Dark Knight last saturday. Oh gawd, I really hate watching movies on weekends coz its ridiculously packed. Anyway, I was in the mood to catch a movie that day so i decided to drag my baby to one But he has his finals this week so he decided to study first then at night we watch la. So i went to cineleisure round 3 plus to buy em' tickets and not surprisingly there was a blardy loooong line ugh...anyway, the tickets for Dark Knight was already either sold out or selling fast, even for the late nights one. But there was one slot that wasnt selling fast...hee hee... the 2.25 AM slot!!!!!

Yes yes...it was my late-est movie ever~!Not even a midnight show, it was a late late late show!So i called up baby and asked him if he was gamed for it, and him being da lovely boyfren said okie dokie coz he knows that im a movie buff...hehehe..Love u baby~!

The movie was GREAT. I'd give it a 4 out of 5. Its a 4 coz it was kinda long, 2 hours and 50 minutes actually. The movie ended around 5.15 am!!!Whoah...me being my cheeky self...end up running here n there in the "dead" mall...anywayyy....

Christian Bale was HOT but the spotlight was definitely taken by Heath Ledger. His performance was everything you can ask for in a really good actor. Its such a shame he passed away at a young age. He could have gone very far. He acted the character Joker in a way that ur terrified of him but his blardy funny at the same time, which is really rare. In a way u kinda feel for his character which is weird coz ur kinda like supporting the villain instead of the hero!But nevertheless, it was a really good movie! I recommend it to everyone but oyea for kids...hmm...its very dark so its not really good for kids but what the heck...u only live once right...go ahead kids...!!!hahaha...


fara said...

Basket! Can go watch movie but dun pick up ur new ipanema slippers!!! Hahahhaha....welcome back to bloggin tootsie!

LaZySoFie PiXiFiEd said...

hehehe...did kakak read my blog properly...it was 2 plus am in da morning...been busy wit xtra classes n camp work so by da time i get home lambat d...penat la pula...!sowy kak...~!